Wow, one more day and many of us have the freedom to celebrate Christmas Day with family and friends, and thanks to technology, many of us have the freedom to video call our nearest and dearest who are overseas.
We choose to open our doors to those who are alone on this day. Christmas was always a tough and busy time for me in the UK. It has, thankfully, been a totally different experience here in NZ with a real sense of freedom to be me, to do as I feel called rather than from duty.
I really feel for those who have lost parents, spouses, children and family members at this time. It is often a time of reflection and with the cyclone here in Hawke’s Bay this year, there have been added challenges and stresses for many.
Kev and I are blessed to have a large family home that comes to life when it has people in it. We open our doors from 2pm to anyone who is alone, feeling alone or just wants some company for a few hours. If you know anyone on their own this Christmas, and they are in Hawke’s Bay, come and join us and bring them with you. I chose to give my ex-husband the joy of continuing our family tradition with our children to go to Taupo and enjoy 10 days and spend quality time with his family and friends. The first year was super tough and out of this was born my heart to use our empty home and fill it with others who struggled on Christmas Day. It has been an absolute joy to turn the sadness and pain into something good that blesses others in their time of need.
I encourage you to consider others, those outside your family and close friends. Perhaps pop a note in their letterbox or send a text message, just to let them know they are seen and heard.
I am so grateful for all I have. For all of you, who I have had the honour of spending precious time with week on week, to see you grow and flourish, to see you living your dreams and best lives.
Have a wonderful Christmas and my gift of freedom to you is to offer you 2 tickets for the price of one for our “health, wealth and happiness” event on 26/27 January 2024. Follow this link for the full lineup of speakers that will take your spiritual, mental, physical and financial health to a whole new level: