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Our Clients Say

Alison Cary 1_edited.png
As a coach Sally was really invested and sincerely committed to helping me reach my goal of becoming unstuck, finding clarity and confirmation for my journey. She provided a safe with no judgement space and allowed me to just be.


Success Stories

Career coaching

Whether as a mentor, confidante, or advisor, Sally’s mission is to open the doors to the treasure within, so that each person knows their unique gifting, purpose and why. With over 15 years of experience working with local High Schools, including 4 years with Lindisfarne College, Sally’s strategies, and faith-driven approach make her a sought-after guide for those wanting to know where they are best placed to be the most successful now and in the future. Here are a few of the success stories:


William knew he wanted to work with his hands. He was a great athlete and enjoyed creating and learning new things, often found in the workshop tinkering away on a project.  He came to me because he wasn’t sure whether to go into a trade or farming. 


Margot was a high achiever at school, ticking all the right boxes. She has many leadership roles including deputy head and boarding. She was sporty and a real delight, however appeared to have struggles with friend groups and self-worth. She came to me to confirm her career path, however what she gained was so much more.


Harry was getting into a bit of bother at school. A highly capable young man who had switched off. He’d had enough of the system and wanted out. The downside was he needed some good results to get where he wanted to go. At halfway through the year he had 10 credits out of 80 required and was not handing in work.


Phoebe came to me because she wanted to know what the right choices were for subjects at school and wanted to find answers to the anxiety attacks she was having over things she loved doing. I had worked with some family friends who had come for careers coaching and as a bi-product had become heaps happier in their lives and more engaged, as their anxieties and stresses has all gone.

In all of the above case studies and many more, my work is a key part of the journey, not the whole. I am not the answer, the answers are within each and every person I work with.  While the strategies and frameworks are the same, the outcomes for each individual are different every time.  My role is to help them find their true identity, their treasure within and their own pot of gold that they can tap into any time they choose. I am a firecracker. I help spark the fire in people’s hearts and clear their minds, so they can make the rest of their lives the best of their lives, without the need for drugs, excessive alcohol or any other external factor to make them feel good.

Intentional You

Whether as a mentor, confidante, or advisor, Sally’s mission is to empower others to live authentically and achieve their highest potential. Her vision, strategies, and faith-driven approach make her a sought-after guide for those ready to transform their lives. Here are a few of the success stories:


Following burn out


Following a masters degree


Following the breakdown of a marriage, from surviving to thriving

Intentional You is a groundbreaking 8-week course that realigns you with your true North Star, your real purpose and reason for being on this planet. It helps you understand why you are here and what you are here for, how you think and process and opens up a whole new way of being and doing that brings the best out in you and all that are around you.  Whether you are looking to launch a business, restore your marriage or just get your life back on track so you can win the race you are uniquely designed to win, this course will help you gain incredible clarity and set you up for success now and in the future. To learn more about how to win in the game of your life contact me: or book a clarity and purpose call

Success Stories

Annie's Testimony
Kelly's Testimony
Dirk's Story

Incredible make-up artist



Sally takes time to understand you and opens your mind up to what you already know that you are capable of but couldn't see, she helps clear the mental blockages that your brain creates and helps you realise that you are an amazing person that can achieve anything that you put your mind to, as Sally has stated to me lots “the sky is your limit!”.


Sally helps you confront your problems, makes you realise they aren't as scary as your mind makes you believe and then gets you to face them head-on. This course is the best investment anyone can do to better themselves and their career.


Super sales executive



The reason I reached out to Sally was because I felt stuck in a rut in my life/work etc.  I was struggling to spend time with my wife and just be there for her.  This was because I was working long hours and was grinding my gears.  Now that I have completed this course I am on the fast track to getting my dream sales job as this is what I have always wanted to do with my life.  I have learnt new positive habits, how to balance my life, manage my time, achieve my goals, live my life to my strengths and remove my limiting thoughts.  I totally enjoyed this program because it showed me I don’t have to be average.



Environmental solutions designer


I was lost as where to go and afraid of the next step. I got comfortable cruising through life.  Sally has shown me how my brain works and the thought patterns it goes through.

"you are, what you eat" thinking positively has brought positive things into my life.

I am currently finishing my degree in Industrial Product Design at the University of Canterbury and then I start an Apprenticeship in Composites at Concord Fibreglassing to learn more about Materials and gain valuable work experience with a small company.  I am very happy with my next steps and clear vision for an adventurous future.



​Transformational coach


If you are looking for guidance to help with your career path and goals this is the course for you. I had a bunch of ideas floating around with what direction I wanted to go within my career, but I never felt that I had the right help or tools to put me on a successful path. Sally has helped me identify my goals, values, my beliefs about myself, and narrow my many career ideas into one. I am going into 2021, with a clear focus in the career path I am taking and the helpful tools to get me there.


Talented artist and healer


I started off feeling very low, and quite down on myself and life in general.  I wasn’t really sure what I had to offer the world. I have gathered a great understanding of how important it is to live my life in accordance to my values. I have also started a great relationship with myself again because for the first time in ages, I actually believe that I have something to offer! I can finally see my gifts with clarity because they have been backed with the strength of the “how I uniquely think” questionnaire, finding those pillars and why I have them was crucial to me. I am coming out of quite a low energy space into an exciting new chapter, I feel more joy coming into my world. 



Outstanding driveway and fencing contractor


I went into it to see how I could better what I am doing. A highlight would be “how I uniquely think” questionnaire, understanding my processing pillars and knowing what they all meant.  I would highly recommend this to anyone no matter your situation, Sally has supported me and guided me through to help me grow as a business owner and set up a very exciting future for myself and family.




Pioneer in safety training in the newborn space


I was thinking about getting back into work after a break to have kids. Not sure where to start or what I wanted to do. Feeling in a bit of a rut and not making the best use of time with my husband and children. Sally has helped me to see things in a positive light rather than negative. I add fun to our days now rather than just getting through until bed time.  I am excited about a new career option for me every time I picture myself in that role I feel really happy!  I am excited to lead a more positive life being the best I can be.


Creative Designer, Business Analyst and Project Manager


I have thoroughly enjoyed the interactive sessions, positive, encouragement and availability to connect during the programme.  The well prepared and relevant course material has given me a robust but flexible framework I can use in future, for continuous self-development.  Sally was great at working through challenging 'real-life scenarios'.  I started the course feeling emotionally low, now I am living in alignment with my values, have a great new job and certainty for the future



Phenomenal Project Manager, Mum and partner, living her dream


I have learnt that I can do anything I put my mind to and that I love journaling.  I really enjoyed learning my pillars and strong points - learning about me.  My initial expectations were to learn how to function correctly, sort my terrible time management, always running on empty with no self-love and being unhappy. Yes, my expectations have been met 1000 times over.  I am achieving my goals and aspirations. I am becoming fitter and healthier and have excellent time management. I am no longer tied down by anxiety and I am happy.




Entrepreneur, Business Owner & Project Manager
I started very much with my head all over the place, not knowing if I am on the right path, asking myself why I always get bored and lose interest very quickly, not only with jobs but with my daily routine in life. 
I have learned what my skill sets are, how I learn, what my true values are in life, why I do the things I do, how to manage myself in areas that I struggle with, and that I am very much capable of anything I put my mind to. 
I am going to be the happiest I can be, and live my life to the fullest.  I have the knowledge and hard evidence from this programme that will never let me doubt myself again.  


Mechanical engineer, leader and outdoor adventurer


When I started this, I wasn’t confident in what I was speaking about whether it be at work or my feelings I had a heap of anxiety also I work a lot and didn’t quite see where or what I should be doing to change for the better. 


I’ve learnt that I should be confident in every aspect of my life as I have the tools to be the best version of myself. I’ve also learnt that I have certain areas that need tweaking so that my home life and work-life balance can be the best they can be, I’ve now got a much clearer vision of where I want to end up and how to get there with my family/partner and with my work. I have learnt more about the way I think and been given a good understanding of why I work things out the way I do or act the way I do I have become more aware of myself and the people around me.


I’m moving towards my goals and dreams and being the best I can be more confident content happy fun caring loving plus I’m definitely working towards being at work less and spending more time with my loved ones and enjoying adventuring outdoors.   



Pathway human resources specialist, living her dream of health and wellbeing


I have learnt skills that have changed my perspective on my ability to control my life. I feel like I have been taught everything I need to make the right decisions in my life. Through learning this I have lost a lot of insecurities and worries about my future. The confidence I have gained through this programme has been incredible. 


I entered this program a lack of direction, motivation and self-confidence. Throughout the 8 weeks, I learnt so much more than I could have ever expected, and know I have the tools to continue on my journey from here. I can now clearly see where I want my life to go and feel confident that I will be able to get myself there. I was initially concerned that 8 weeks would be too long but looking back I can’t believe how much I was able to learn and grow in that time frame, which now seems so small. This was exactly what I needed, and I am excited to continue to practice all the new skills I have learnt.   




Pathway to commercial lawyer, outstanding equestrian rider and solution-finder


I came into the Intentional careers program with absolutely no idea what I wanted to do with my life or which direction I wanted to be heading in. With the help of Sally, everything became so much clearer to me and I am now able to answer those tough questions like, “what do you want to do when you leave school?” Or, “where do you see yourself in 5 years time?” with a proper answer. This program has been amazing in helping me with my clarity of direction and something I value so much about it is the layout of each session and being able to visually see information that is specially tailored to my way of thinking and personal strengths.


Throughout my time with Sally, I have learned how I think, what I value and believe, the steps I need to take to get to where I want to go, the importance of goal setting and feeding the subconscious mind. I feel like I know who I am so much more and have much less internal stress about my future after my time in the program.


I have several goals in place for not only my education but also my personal life several years into the future. With the help of Sally, I have goal trackers for each month to help me get to where I want to go.”


Mechanic, hunter and avid fisherman


I started the programme not knowing where I was going or how to get there.  I was unemployed with little confidence.  I am now employed, know where I am going and how to get there and am confident.  I will achieve level 4 in electrical engineering and be in the air force at age 18.



Pathway to living his dream as an astronaut


I feel I started without the layout framing existing However that framing had no backup or proper foundation.  I didn’t have proper motivation or drive, there wasn’t any emotion in my dream.  I was afraid to talk to people properly, especially if it would get me in trouble, even if I was in the right.  I also hardly prayed for others at youth or at boys nights.  I was constantly under stress.  Now I am much more motivated to both change and pursue my dreams.  I have become much better in my speaking, caring much less about what other people think about me, which is amazing.  I feel now that my stress levels are greatly decreased.  I have a clear path to space and beyond, literally.  I am motivated and will never give up.  I am now on a healthy trajectory and firm career path. 




I have learnt more about myself and how I am as a person.  The highlight of this programme for me would be finding how my mind works and how I learn.  I really enjoyed coming to these sessions and learning more and more about myself, how I think, why I behave how I do and what is best for me. My initial expectations were to find out what I am going to be doing next year, whether I was best to Uni or going off and doing a trade.  During this course, I made the decision to do “agriculture with innovation” at Otago, have applied and been accepted.  I am totally set to go.


Pathway to commercial lawyer and family


I recommend the programme to anyone, it helped me gain confidence and motivation while developing a plan for university, which has so far helped me with my school work, friendships and mental health.  I have reached personal goals which, at the start of the year I didn’t think were possible!  Overall I believe anyone will gain something significant from this course.




Pathway to physiotherapist and black stick


I have learnt what jobs I am most suited for, that I can achieve anything I put my mind to, how to help myself when learning new stuff, why I am like I am and what makes me happy.  The highlight for me has been confirming my career as a physio, hanging out with Mum and knowing what I am doing with everything planned.  I have particularly enjoyed finding out that I can be a physio and do what I’ve always dreamed of, that I can stick at things and I have a pathway planned out.  I would recommend this to anyone wanting to know what they could or want to do, it’s awesome.



Business leader and transformational coach


This amazing experience with Sally started with synchronicity.  I bumped into her at an all-time low, unsure of where I was heading and what I wanted to do.  My confidence and belief in “me” had been shattered, somehow I had lost who I truly am.

Very quickly Sally enabled and guided me through.  I saw positives, re-enforced my values and gained clarity in “me” and what I can contribute and most importantly what is important to maintain as I move forward.

My chosen career has been reaffirmed as a possible vocation – phew! I am inspired by the possibilities within my vocation and have accepted a role where I will add value whilst working towards a longer-term goal.  Life is amazing!


I have learnt what type of organisation I will thrive in; that I have an amazing support network; that my job is not number 1, my family are.  My sense of me comes from those I have around me not what job I do.  I need to keep the focus on m creative side to maintain my balance.

The highlights for me have been the psychology, my affirming beliefs, getting clarity on who I am and what I can offer, putting it out there and getting offered the right job for me and starting to mend my relationship with my daughter.

I really enjoyed all of the programme, Sally’s confidence, enthusiasm, energy, passion for what she does and unwavering belief in the programme rubs off.



Creative designer, leader and talented gardener


I have learnt what my skills and talents are.  I know what jobs suit me best and how to work well with all people, not just the ones I am drawn to.  I know that God has got a plan for me.   My gift profile and how I uniquely think and process.  I am beautiful and kind.  I have purpose.


This course not only gives you options for jobs most suited to you, but it also shows you how to find yourself and how to do it.


Pathway to creative architect, overcomer and talented equestrian rider


Before starting this programme with Sally I had no idea what I wanted to do after leaving school because I didn’t know what I wanted or how to get it. While doing this programme Sally helped me learn about myself and what I value & believe in which has helped me realise what I want in my life moving forward.


My initial expectations were finding out what I am good at & to come out with a plan moving forward towards something I’ll enjoy and thrive doing.  Yes, all my expectations have been exceeded.  Thanks Sal!


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